Bandwagon of my own uncertainty

Taylor Mali speaks an appropriate word to my generation; to me: Stop being the most aggressively inarticulate generation to come along since, you know, a long time.

As one who has grown up in this generation of furious apathy, this video strikes a cord in my own soul on my lack of conviction. Intellectual laziness and uncertainty (the “whatever” we say about anything) are very easy. It doesn’t require much else than to all moral claims except those that interrupt one’s serene contentment. One can be loudly apathetic and uncertain, forcefully unclear and spineless. (And even celebrated for being so. They call those English Departments and Deconstructionism.) For me and my generation, it’s much easer to just be like, “Whatever man, I just want my carpet back.”

God gives us lots to be certain about in the Bible. The idea of articulate certainty, passionately held in the confidence and humility that it injects into those who treasure God, is expressed in passages like this one:

Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. ~ Hebrews 10:23

The Christian’s confidence isn’t in the force of their opinion, or their own mastering of the Bible, but in God himself, who is certain and faithful.

As this applies to my generation of men, called to preach, let this be a rebuke to the beckoning ease of our age to headless emotion. May my generation of men, called to preach, be filled with conviction to speak with the authority becoming the life giving message of the Living Christ and his Gospel.

About Jacob Young

Jacob is the lead pastor of King’s Cross Church in Manchester, New Hampshire, and a church planter with Sovereign Grace Churches. He and Michelle have been married for 9 years and they have 3 boys, Lord help them. He’s a fan of a good pipe, the Patriots and the Red Sox. Tom Brady is the best quarter back of all time. Of. All. Time.
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1 Response to Bandwagon of my own uncertainty

  1. Joel Burdeaux says:

    I like the typography version a little more, I think.
    Less distracted by the crowd & performance I guess.

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