Posting for Godliness 2.2

Picking up where we left off…Holding an incorrect thought on a teaching of scripture is just as sinful as maintaining a sinful habit in life. But the good news is that Jesus Christ died to save sinners, and for those who are in Christ Jesus there is no longer any condemnation. So all those sinful life habits, and sinful doctrinal positions we hold can and will be covered with grace through true faith in Christ.

First, this means that first and foremost, on internet discussion boards, we as Christians need to stop questioning a confessing Christian’s genuine standing in Christ. If someone has confessed Jesus Christ as Lord, and the only means of salvation from the coming wrath of God, then they’re a Christian; Calvinist, or Arminian, Baptist or Adventist, Pentecostal or Presbyterian. There is a lot that goes into calling into question someone’s standing in Christ, and we need to be aware of that. (This does not, of course, mean that we can’t say to someone posting Gnostic messages, “Friend, these opinions indicate that you do not truly understand Christianity/Christian doctrine.”)

Secondly, this means that when engaging doctrinal discussions, we approach the issue in humility, seeking to serve our brother’s growth in Christ more than seeking to convert our brother to affirming how right we are. We are seeking to make disciples of Christ, not of ourselves. Because of this, we should approach the issue of sanctification with a holistic view in mind. Someone’s disagreement or distain for a particular doctrine (for example, the absolute predestination of God in election), is not just their inaccurate understanding of Scripture in a particular area, but also may very well be tied to another area of sin in their lives (to continue the example, maybe a rebellion of not truly submitting to God’s authority).

So in doctrinal disagreements, we must be attentive to seeing what the Lord may be seeking to do in a person’s life. I am so thankful that God has dealt with me in that way. God did not run my face through submitting to the truth of the doctrines of grace – he gradually worked on my heart. A book here – a conversation there – a radio program here – a confession of sin there. God worked those things to teach me practically a doctrine that he also wanted me to learn intellectually. I’m sorry to keep on the doctrines of grace here, but it’s just one of those areas where I am particularly aware of God’s great kindness to me.

It very well may be that God is seeking to help someone you might engage with on the internet to learn obedience in one area of life, say the disciplines of grace, or regular church attendance, or purity of thought and mind, etc. He may be having you be the instrument in his hand for this person’s redemption in that particular area that he is later going to use to help them in the doctrinal disagreement that got you guys talking in the first place. And the actual likely hood is that God is seeking to use that very same engagement to help you grow in godliness, humility, charity, honest love, and learning how to kill that evil oak of pride in your heart.

About Jacob Young

Jacob is the lead pastor of King’s Cross Church in Manchester, New Hampshire, and a church planter with Sovereign Grace Churches. He and Michelle have been married for 9 years and they have 3 boys, Lord help them. He’s a fan of a good pipe, the Patriots and the Red Sox. Tom Brady is the best quarter back of all time. Of. All. Time.
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